Monday 25 April 2016

Monday, April 25th

We were busy beavers today!  The kids are working hard on getting everything ready for their special ladies.  The Mother's Day note went home today with all the important details.  Please send the form back so we can plan accordingly.  We hope you can all come!

Next week is also Education Week.  The school will be having a muffin breakfast on Tuesday, May 3rd from 8 am-9 am.  The classrooms will be open so please come to our classroom.  The students have been working hard on a few surprises!

Our letters of the week are "pl" and our word of the week is "play". Please continue to point these out during nightly reading.  Playing rhyming games, clapping out syllables and naming the letters (and saying if they are vowels or consonants) are also beneficial activities to do during nightly reading.

Last week was Earth Week and we discussed ways to keep our earth "clean and healthy".  We took some surveys and graphed our data.  We will continue to gather data and graph it in simple bar graphs/picture graphs/name graphs etc.

Here are some pictures from today.