Monday 27 November 2017

Week of November 27th

Today was a chilly one outside!  We noticed that some children had shorts and t-shirts as their "spare" set of clothing at school. We have sent them home but please send pants and a long sleeve shirt back.  We also noticed that many children are missing a spare pair of socks.  With the unpredictable weather, you never know when a soaker might occur!  An extra pair (or 2) of socks would be helpful.

Our letter of the week is "w" and our word of the week is "we".  The sk students are doing a great job thinking of the letter sounds and putting them together.  We will be working on this skill all year but feel free to practice at home as well.  

This afternoon we started practicing our songs for the Christmas concert.  We are still checking the calendar to see what day is best but we will get that information out ASAP.  It will be a little performance followed by a craft and gathering in the classroom.  You won't want to miss it!

Here are some pictures from the day: